Facebook is the most powerful platform though which People get connected. When thinking about a successful ‘Networking’ nowadays term, this name always come up to our mind… Click here if you´d like to check David Gausa´s Facebook profile. Become Fan and be one of the firsts in listening to his latest Music!
 This is, undoubtedly, the most powerful community that has merged Artists, Fans, People that just wanted to show their Music with no need of a Label… We invite you to check David Gausa´s MySpace profile. Become his Friend and be always updated about his Musical activities!
 Talking about On-Line Videos? YouTube is the biggest Community of Videos available in Internet. Thanks this idea, David Gausa, Sutil Records, Sutil Vox y Sutil Sensations will make you enjoy the Videos related to them… Make a visit to us!
 The Microblogging Culture winner… Twitter! Cose the best option to receive any kind of activity related to David Gausa, via SMS, though Instant Messages), or other available options (Twitterrific, Tweetie, Facebook, Twinkle, Tweetboard, TweetDeck, Cielo.com). Just follow David Gausa real time!
 Have you ever seen yourself in Tillate? The best ‘Club Shots’ over the Planet can be found here… David Gausa has, of course, his Artist Page in Tillate, so you´ll be able to see the pictures of the events where he has been… but, were not you there? Click here and check!
 A Social Network, an Internet Radio, and a Music recommendation system building profiles and statistics based on the registered users´ taste. A big and successful idea. Music from David David Gausa and Sutil Records can also be found in Last Fm. What are you waiting for? Clic here and listen to his Music!
 One of the biggest Spanish Social Networking platforms. If you have a profile in Tuenti and would like to visit David Gausa´s one… click here… and don´t hesitate to contact him!